Joni Parsley Daydream Believer
Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Well … in just a few more days, Dominion Camp Meeting 35 will be here! It’s hard to believe that I have been to every single one of these indescribable events. The history is one of life’s greatest gifts to me, personally. But, it’s not just for me! What a time where you will find the atmosphere both electric and reverent and completely complete!

Our endeavor, through every type of ministry, is to exalt the mighty name of our Savior and bring glory and thanksgiving to our loving Father, who graces us beyond measure.

From the moment you step foot on the World Harvest Church campus, you will encounter many wonderful, anointed men, women, and young people including Valor Christian College and Harvest Preparatory School students that make up our “DreamTEAM”! They are the backbone of all the volunteer corps and we could not conduct a service without them. You will start getting blessed meeting them, other members, and one another. What a wonderful thing it is when God’s people dwell in unity and are together. It’s a feeling I cannot explain. I always leave feeling comforted and loved.

Now, I have to lecture a minute! Last year, I had a lot of dental procedures that kept me out of church but I could still watch online and that’s great. Thank God for the technology that affords this opportunity for people all over the world! I am shocked when I see the viewers scrolling down from every country I can think of, and of course those in our blessed nation!

When I was able to return to services, I realized a HUGE difference! Just being in God’s dwelling place among His people fed a parched soul! I’m only addressing those within driving distance or former members − we need you and your gifts here! We miss you!

Regardless of your situation, just tune in and I urge you not to only watch - but to participate as if you were there! You will have an experience rather than just an observation. If you can’t be there, God still has a moment just for you, too!

I wrote this because we see many signs, wonders, healing, prophecy, and the gifts in operation. Most of all, we hear some of the most glorious music that ushers us into worship and then some of the greatest preaching and teaching that will be life-changing. I know that phrase is overused but there have been times that just one sentence will resound and explode in my spirit and be exactly what I needed. I’m not special! God loves you and He won’t leave you out. YOU WILL HAVE YOUR MOMENT! God has already prepared it for you and I don’t want you to miss it!

In all the darkness that has surrounded us these last few years, I know there will be a spark in the fields of Ohio!

I love a phrase from one of my favorite poets. She is illustrating coming away from the "indivisible place called the world, which is falling apart now" but she goes away to be outdoors with her God whom she describes as "faithful beyond all our expressions of faith and our deepest prayers."

Upon returning home, ”I’ll be standing in the doorway stamping my boots and slapping my hands, my shoulders covered with stars.” I cried when I read that because we all need time to come away from the world and give God our undivided attention: A few heavenly days that will cover us with stars too.
I can’t wait to see you there or online - you are loved!

Filed In: Encouragement, Prayer, Guidance, Our Nation |  |   0 Comments

About Joni

Thanking God for blessings too many to list. He is my all and my always-the glory and the lifter of my head... He never fails.

Why the Name

"For a child, it’s as easy as blowing out candles on a cake, or wishing upon a star. But as for one of those 'grown-ups,' 'No dream comes true until you wake up and go to work.' " ...