Tapestry of Faith
A Candid look at a colorful life and uncommon faith
The Christian life isn't always easy. As anyone who has had to walk through some dimly lit valleys can testify,
life can be stressful, painful, and sometimes, simply can't be explained. Joni Parsley is familiar with this
difficult path, and in Tapestry of Faith she tells about her journey with refreshing candor, humor, and
God-given wisdom.
Writing about and through life's challenges, Joni weaves an emotional tapestry layered with laughter, tears,
questions, insights, struggles, and victories. With a conversational style full of engaging stories and
enlightening metaphors, she demonstrates how you can live a life of joy and faith as you:
- Successfully navigate change
- Experience peace when things get rough
- Trust God's path through all of life's seasons
- Eliminate negativity that drowns out the voice of God
- Deepen and repair your relationships
- Find the humor in everyday life
- Discover all that God has given you, and more!
Live Laugh Love: 30 Years and We Still Do

Celebrating over 30 years of marriage, Pastor Rod and Joni Parsley share some of the lessons they’ve learned along the way ...
drawn from the laughter, tears, struggles, and triumphs of raising two children in an atmosphere where God is the center
of their home.
Life lessons that can help you build a strong foundation not only in marriage, but in all your relationships!
The life lessons include:
- Marry your best friend
- Housework is not just for wives
- Create traditions and cherish the moments
- Communication is the key
- There is no manual for babies or teens
Everyday Matters Daily Devotional

Pastor and Joni Parsley present a Daily Devotional to give you comfort, strength, inspiration, encouragement and more – every single day of the new year called: EVERYDAY MATTERS!
This timely and uplifting resource features:
- Inspirational Bible readings and teaching
- Practical insights to build your faith every single day of the new year
- Anointed communications to help you walk continually in God’s favor
Experience God’s Word and blessings in your day-to-day life!