Joni Parsley Daydream Believer
Tuesday, March 05, 2013

This past week, My Aunt Nitaleen passed from this life to the next and the best. She was my mother’s only sister and they were very close. For years, she’s battled health issues and has been lovingly cared for by her family and especially, my Mom. What a void she has left for her and for many. My mind can’t comprehend losing my sisters, my best friends, and my “go-to people” - my heart pounds just writing such a thought. Loss is painful but God’s grace is God’s strength. Yet, there is joy when I think of my Aunt.

My Aunt was who she was and that was my favorite thing about her. She was genuine and it was certainly refreshing since there was never a question what you might get when you saw her…you always knew. She was fun, funny, light-hearted and very loving. At family events, she could throw an honest jab our way and all we could do was laugh. In all the years I knew her; I never remember seeing her in a bad mood. What a testimony!

As the Apostle Paul said, in 2 Corinthians 3:2, “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men.” Our lives are an open book and are read by those whom we encounter. What are we allowing others to read? What will be our living testimony?

For my Aunt, her story was one of victory amidst the most tragic of circumstances. She and her siblings lost their parents at very young ages. My mother and her brother went from foster homes to an orphanage. My Aunt was basically on her own along with her three older brothers. As a result, she certainly had an opportunity to be bitter and resentful of the life that was handed to her. Instead, she rose above those ashes and allowed her inner beauty to shine…and shine she did!

My mother ended her memorial service with a tribute to her life and their relationship. She told a story of how they’d discussed that their mother was awaiting their arrival in Heaven. My mom described her glorious mansion with many rooms and my Aunt, with her quick wit and comebacks declared, “I get the big room!” My mom, as her little sister, could have only one reply, “Okay by me…as long as they have adjoining doors.”

So as I think of my Aunt, all I can do is smile really. I think of her finally reunited with her mother in the paradise of Heaven that the rest of us long for. Heaven gives us hope. Because of that, I think of her in that mansion and I know I never have to doubt where she is…she is in the big room.

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Thursday, February 07, 2013

Well…I have an interesting day ahead. My life’s course took a little detour mid-December in the form of an accident leading to an injury leading to a nuisance! I have surgery to repair torn ligaments, in my knee, in a few hours. I’ve had my routine interrupted and I don’t like it! So, I try to contemplate and find God in it all. Surely, He will help me find the silver lining in this cloud! Years ago, I remember reading something and I’ve never forgotten it, “Every cloud is a flag to God’s faithfulness.”

If we could mark every battle we’ve been through, we could see God’s faithfulness. When a battle is won, you’ll see a soldier plant their country’s flag. That flag says, “This is ours now, we won!” Looking back, I can see God’s grace and it is as amazing as that classic hymn describes!

I think back on the night of my injury. It was a dark, cold December night but outside I heard my son in distress. I didn’t stop and think, I ran! It was an instant reaction and off I went. When I ran to get to him, I stumbled in a hole in the yard since it was damp and dark! My knee had multiple tears, as a result, according to the doctors. All that really mattered was…my son was okay.

Oh well! The real story is how God rescues us, exactly the same way, when we're in distress. He has an instant reaction too! And all that really matters is... we're okay.

So I’ve taken a side-trip…literally and figuratively! I’ll have a few weeks of recovery so I hope to write more! In the meantime…I’ll be planting flags!

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Monday, January 21, 2013

When I was a teenager in the seventies, the Jesus Movement was in full-swing. It was the first time I’d ever heard the term “born-again” or what it meant to go to a bible study with my paperback Living Translation Bible. As most others, we sat in a circle with our fellow brothers and sisters - another popular term. There were always guitars strumming as we’d begin singing. I can still remember a few of our favorites. We’d lift our hands, close our eyes and sway to the music as we’d sing through our born-again tears. We knew what it meant to be saved and set apart…it meant something then but that’s another story. Anyway, I can still hear us singing, “They’ll Know we are Christians by our Love.” Three words said it all - God is Love. It was on our t-shirts, bracelets, bumper-stickers, and the posters on our bedroom walls. Love was the message…hmmm, hasn’t it always been, really?

Another song was, “It only takes a Spark to Get a Fire Going,” I’m not even sure if these are the titles but my fellow “Jesus People” (as we were called) will remember! I don’t know what made me drift back to “yesteryear”, but I often get that way when I see something of historical significance.

Today is Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Day. In America, we celebrate the life of the slain civil rights leader and the advancements he made in a country that didn’t, and unfortunately at times still doesn't, treat all people as equals. I was just a little girl, but I remember the day he was killed. I remember my dad coming into my grandma’s house, where I so often was, and telling her about the shooting. I saw the news and the newspaper and really could not wrap my young mind around such a tragedy. As I grew older, I began to comprehend the significance of the life and message of this great leader. Of course, I’ve seen his renowned and moving speech, “I Have a Dream.” Today, I saw Dr. King’s monument as thousands gathered for the Presidential Inauguration. Regardless of one’s political persuasion, the swearing in of a president is still a celebration of our great country and its democracy. Having said that, I realized this day, in inaugural history, was really made possible by Dr. King’s efforts and his “dream”. Many brave men and women fought with Dr. King but it was his “spark that got the fire going”.

His legacy still serves as an inspiration and we should stop and think that this is more than a day off from work. There is a message for all of us… have a dream and have a spark. As Christians, we can have personal goals and dreams but our dreams should extend to our fellow brothers and sisters. We have a freedom that many cannot share because our message hasn’t been heard.

In the Jesus Movement, we were taught to witness our faith and took our tracts and spark and went for it! I remember the first question we would ask someone, “Do you know that Jesus loves you?” What a way to begin…who doesn’t really want or need to hear that? We don’t need to long for those days, we just need to re-ignite. Selfishness smothers a fire but selflessness is the spark that will get it going again. Selfishness lulls us to sleep while we relish in God’s blessings as though they were meant just for us. Love is meant to be shared which is why “they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” If we act like Him, we will draw people to Him.

It’s a cold, snowy day in Ohio with temperatures in the twenties. Our home felt that chill so I went to the fireplace. It won’t start without a match but one flame started a roaring fire…just one.

Filed In: All Posts, Salvation, Our Nation |  |   13 Comments

About Joni

Thanking God for blessings too many to list. He is my all and my always-the glory and the lifter of my head... He never fails.

Why the Name

"For a child, it’s as easy as blowing out candles on a cake, or wishing upon a star. But as for one of those 'grown-ups,' 'No dream comes true until you wake up and go to work.' " ...