Joni Parsley Daydream Believer
Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Okay, I know we are not to believe in Magic. What do you call it when you can make something appear or disappear? Is there magician school? Are there books, websites, places where rabbits are trained to come out of hats? I don’t know anything about it, but have been very amazed and impressed by professional illusionists. However, I’ve been fooled and been depressed by disillusionment just the same.

Well, magicians study and are trained to trick the naked human eye... but what if we COULD have actual magic powers?

Filed In: Encouragement, Fear, Forgiveness, Guidance, This & That |  |   0 Comments
Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Along with these unimaginable events we currently face, who among us isn’t yearning for something that settles the mind or leads it to further explanation of this tragic crisis. I find myself peering at my emotional state as though it were a kaleidoscope; with every twist and turn, a different set of shapes and colors, but really not creating a solid picture. I have learned that when the outside seems to make little sense, a look inside will certainly lead somewhere and this seems to be where I landed. Character is often ignored amongst all our quests yet should be the significant treasure we all should wish to accumulate and leave as a pristine gift that continues to impart throughout time.

That said, these verses began to flow about who we are and what we are leaving every day.

Filed In: Encouragement, Favor, Forgiveness, Prayer, Guidance, Healing, Prayer Cloth, Salvation, This & That |  |   0 Comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
In the last few months of each year, I take time to seek God about where we’ve been and where we are going in the year to come. I do this for myself, my family, my church, and the body of Christ as a whole. I’m not claiming to be a prophet or that God sends me a yearly progress report with set goals for the new year! I simply take an honest look at where I am and how I got there—both good and bad! If I have achieved something that I’ve really been working on, I want to say I get a gold star and that’s it. But, nope, I have to keep moving and progressing. What and how I got to point A may not be the roadmap that will get me to point B or even maintain where I am. If you’re going on a trip, who wants to stay at the airport? You’ve arrived at your destination but that’s not where you stay—you’re ready to explore the area and see what it’s about and all it has to offer. For example, maybe you had a goal to get up an hour early to do Bible reading. What a great discipline! Now, maybe God says, “Now that I have you up at this hour and you are disciplined in your Bible reading, I want you to spend time with me for that hour in prayer and communion. I want to be with you. You can do your Bible reading at night but uninterrupted like before.”
Filed In: Encouragement, Guidance, This & That |  |   0 Comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
However you see it, the holiday season either creeps or crash lands upon us. And so it begins ... as many begin planning dinner a sad tradition ensues along with the arguments that come with it. The dreaded conversation has to be had. You know the one: where are we having dinner this year, who is coming, who is not, who is fighting, who is not speaking, whose turn is it, can we do both sets of grandparents in one day, it’s my parents’ turn out-of-town, no it’s my parents’ turn to come here, how can we avoid making anybody angry, are we leaving anybody out, what about all the little kids, who is bringing what, who is on a diet, who is gluten-free, sugar-free, or flavor free, who does organic only, who is allergic to pumpkin, turkey, ham, or sweet potatoes, who has gone vegan this year? What? There’s a difference in vegan and vegetarian? Who do we please or offend? Bah Humbug already? Sorry folks, we’re just getting started; we aren’t past Thanksgiving yet or even half of the Hallmark Christmas movies!
Filed In: Encouragement, Financial, Forgiveness, Guidance, Marriage and Family, This & That |  |   0 Comments
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Many years ago, my husband preached a sermon and one quote emerged that distinctly characterized his ministry. He declared, “It’s time we return to the discarded values of the past.” He continued to emphasize the way our society had declined in morality and standards of excellence, honor and integrity. Once political correctness and liberal ideology invaded our culture, the foundational values we were taught as children were either rare or non-existent. His was one voice that felt compelled to shine a light in a dark place. I remember purchasing a book for him by Judge Robert Bork (former Supreme Court nominee) which I believe accurately summed up the country’s condition, “Slouching Towards Gomorrah-Modern Liberalism and American Decline.”
Filed In: Encouragement, Guidance |  |   0 Comments

About Joni

Thanking God for blessings too many to list. He is my all and my always-the glory and the lifter of my head... He never fails.

Why the Name

"For a child, it’s as easy as blowing out candles on a cake, or wishing upon a star. But as for one of those 'grown-ups,' 'No dream comes true until you wake up and go to work.' " ...